Wade, we discovered this when your sisters and I were talking one day and commenting how a certain so-and-so we all knew complained about another so-and-so who was doing this certain thing and she thought that was just "terrible!" What we observed was the complaining person had that same obvious trait herself but was very unaware. We chuckled. But then it became something we noticed often, what someone got angry or frustrated about in another person, we could see it in the complainer. Puzzling! Then we found this statement and Voilá!, we knew what it meant. BUT...it also made us do some introspection. I have to ask myself when I get so angry or frustrated at another's habit or action if perhaps I have that trait unobserved and unrecognized in myself, but that others might or probably are seeing it. It has become a great relational principle to live by and it's a cold and rude awakening about me. So very helpful!!

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I've noticed this, but have never heard this saying. Very wise words!

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