The 4 Horsemen
(Part I) Pandemics, war, economic collapse, and sudden deaths are GOD's way throughout history to humble proud people and nations.
The picture above is from the Istoria Men’s Bible Study I lead every Tuesday. We are currently studying the book of Revelation. I asked the men this past Tuesday:
“How many of you have been taught that the book of Revelation is about a one-time future tribulation, an event that hasn’t yet happened but will soon?
I was shocked at their response. Almost every hand shot up.
Most of the Istoria men now see Revelation differently.
Over the last decade, they’ve studied for themselves Ezekiel (verse-by-verse), Isaiah (verse-by-verse), Jeremiah (verse-by-verse), Daniel (verse-by-verse), and the Hebrew apocalyptic scrolls of the Old Testament.
Revelation portrays how God intervenes in human history - the past, the present, and the future - to break proud people and nations of their arrogance and bring humanity to dependence on Him.
Revelation is a compilation of the teachings of the Hebrew prophets. The author of Revelation quotes from Isaiah, Ezekiel, Jeremiah, and Daniel hundreds of times.
In this Substack, I’ll show how Revelation is cyclical, and the 4 Horsemen of the Apocalypse are figurative symbols for pandemics (disease), wars, famine (economic collapse), and sudden deaths, four things GOD uses throughout human history to break proud people and nations of their arrogance.
An Apocalypse
Apocalypse is a big Greek word that nobody uses today. It means means “to reveal” (verb) or “revelation” (noun).
The best way to visualize the word apocalypse is to see yourself sitting in an old-fashioned theater with a curtain covering the screen. When it’s movie time, the curtain rises to reveal (apocalypse) the screen.
The first word of the book of Revelation is apocalypse (Greek). The first word of the book will often give the book its name. For example, “in the beginning” is the English translation of the first Hebrew word of the Old Testament, transliterated as Genesis.
Below are the first three words of Revelation in Greek with their English translation.
Ἀποκάλυψις Ἰησοῦ Χριστοῦ
A revelation of Jesus Christ
Apocalypse in the Bible refers to highly symbolic writings that reveal sudden Divine intervention in human history for both judgmental and salvific purposes.
Isaiah, Daniel, Ezekiel, Jeremiah, Habakkuk, Joel, and Zechariah are examples of apocalyptic writings in the Old Testament. These prophets revealed GOD’s intervention in the nations throughout history in either judgment or salvation.
Revelation, Matthew 24, Mark 13, Luke 17, and portions of 1 Thessalonians, 2 Thessalonians, and Jude are New Testament are New Testament apocalyptic writings.
In this Substack, I’ll show how Revelation is cyclical, with the 4 Horsemen of the Apocalypse (symbols of pandemics, wars, famine or economic collapse, and sudden death) as GOD’s instruments in history to break proud people and nations of their arrogance.
The earth revolves around the sun and spins on its axis. The cyclical nature of time means winter, spring, summer, and autumn repeat regularly.
So, too, apocalyptic events in human history are cyclical.
The 4 Horsemen aren’t racing to the finish line; they’re going round and round the track of human history, sent by GOD to break people of pride, hubris, and arrogance.
The Great Theme of the Bible
If someone asks you, “What is the theme of the Bible?” - how would you respond?
Most evangelical Christians would say, “Jesus Christ.”
That response typically comes from someone who hasn’t read the Scriptures and assumes an answer.
When the Bible is read, from cover to cover, beginning with Genesis and ending with Revelation, the theme of the Bible is clear:
“I, the LORD, will punish the world for its evil and the wicked for their wrongdoing; I will put an end to the arrogance of the proud and take down the pride of the tyrants” (Isaiah 13:11)
This theme of GOD bringing down the proud and exalting the humble is repeated throughout the Bible.
“God brings down the proud” (Psalm 18:27).
“The LORD has sworn and declared: ‘I loathe the arrogant.'“ “““(Amos 6:8).
“The LORD has a day of reckoning for every proud person…that the proud may be brought down” (Isaiah 2:12).
“The Lord will tear down the house of the proud” (Proverbs 15:25).
“I will make the pride of the strong ones cease” (Ezekiel 17:24).
People are often compared to trees in Scripture (see Psalm 1:3). Tall trees are proud people. The trees of the field are the people of the world. Low trees are humble people. God brings down tall trees, and He raises up low trees (see Ezekiel 17:24).
Or, as the MESSIAH Himself declares:
"Whoever exalts himself, God will humble; and whoever humbles himself, God will exalt." Matthew 23:12
“If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself, take up his cross, and follow me. Whoever would save his life must lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake will find it. For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world and forfeits his soul? Matthew 16:24-26
You cannot know Christ and be saved by GOD’s grace until you humble yourself, die to yourself (bear your cross, the instrument of death), and follow Jesus the Messiah as the LORD of your life.
The most humble act for a sinner is to turn from their sins and follow Christ.
PRIDE is the Anti-God State of Mind
In his classic book Mere Christianity, author C.S. Lewis defined pride as “the complete anti-God state of mind.”
“Pride is the anti-God tumor of the mind that infects a Divine rebel. It’s a cherished head disease that destroys. Pride bursts out in words like: ‘#@&%* GOD! I’ll live MY life MY way!’“ ““
Wade Burleson
Throughout history, God has used pandemics, war, economic collapse, and sudden death to humble, proud people and people nations.
Revelation is a word of encouragement to all followers of Jesus the Messiah during tribulation, pandemics, world wars, economic collapse, and sudden death.
The Revelation of Jesus Christ tells the story of the Creator bringing down the proud and exalting the humble in the past, the present, and the future.
JESUS is not just the LORD of the nation of Israel or the United States. He is the LORD of all nations. He’s the God of Israel, the Philistines, the Syrians, the Russians, the Chinese, the Americans, the Europeans, and all the world's nations.
And Jesus is at work among the nations.
More to Come
This four-part series on The 4 Horsemen is essential to read and understand because it will change how you view our current world - for the better!
Rather than being filled with hopelessness and despair because the world is running out of control, you’ll learn to be at peace and to take courage because you see GOD behind all the events in this world, bringing proud sinners to humility and exalting to eternal prosperity the humble who learn to trust Him.
In Part II of this four-part series, I’ll use the sacred Scriptures, human history, and current conflicts to show you how God has humbled (and is humbling) proud people and nations by sending pandemics, war, economic collapse, and sudden death. I will also identify the 4 Horsemen of the Apocalypse as disease, war, famine, and death - all sent by God to bring down mighty nations and empires.
In Part III of this four-part series, I’ll show you two sets of Laws at work in this world, Laws that God has established for mankind and for His people, respectfully. The first set of Laws is called “The Laws of Nature.” These laws are imprinted in the heart and conscience of every man. Violating these laws by taking innocent human life, removing individual liberty by establishing government tyranny, and disrespecting private property by stealing what God hasn’t given you unleashes the 4 Horsemen on a nation.
God gives the other set of Laws for the humble who receive Christ. It is just one Law, and it is called “The Royal Law of Love.” Nations, corporations, and ethnic groups are obligated to Natural Law. Individuals who trust Christ are obligated to the Kingdom Royal Law of Love.
In Part IV of this series, the final part, I’ll show you how every nation who has heard the hoofbeats of the 4 Horsemen and every individual who has seen the 4 Horsemen riding toward them and fall before the Creator in repentance of pride and sin, will find GOD raises them to eternal prosperity.
“GOD resists the proud, but GOD gives grace to the humble.” Therefore, submit to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. Draw near to God, and He will draw near to you.”
I appreciate your support of Istoria Ministries. This post is free and can be shared. Parts II, III, and IV of this series will be for the supporters of Istoria Ministries.
Rachelle and I could not do ministry through Istoria without you. Thank you.
Thanks, Timothy! I've read Summers. Good stuff. Thanks for your comment.
Thank you!