Wow, this is so timely for Russ and I right now. Lord, help me to remember to be grateful that you have a plan for all creation and You’ve got it all worked out I just need to be grateful that it’s not all up to me. Amen
Wade, I needed this today! I don’t usually deal with anxiety but Leon was diagnosed with stage 4 pancreatic adnocarcenoma with a spot on his liver as well. He had opted to not go through chemotherapy treatments. However, we heard from the VA oncologist yesterday who called to talk to him a little more about the treatments and told him without he has maybe 6-12 months. We have been secure in our trust in Jesus but this was the first time he was told the life expectancy.
I just added Leon to my daily prayer list. I am grateful to you and Leon for your friendship over the decades. I am praying for wisdom, healing, and peace for you both!
A heart of gratefulness has many other benefits in addition to helping anxiety. I believe this is one of the most important things we can teach our children, aside from the love of Jesus Christ. Gratefulness has always been emphasized heavily in my house and it’s becoming more important all the time as our country descends. You want to raise solid freedom-loving citizens? Teach them to be grateful. As I’ve told my children many times, there has never been a grateful communist.
Wow, this is so timely for Russ and I right now. Lord, help me to remember to be grateful that you have a plan for all creation and You’ve got it all worked out I just need to be grateful that it’s not all up to me. Amen
I think anxiety runs in my family. I’ll remember this and pass it on. Thank you for explaining this so beautifully.
This is why I've read the story of Joseph over and over throughout my life.
Wade, I needed this today! I don’t usually deal with anxiety but Leon was diagnosed with stage 4 pancreatic adnocarcenoma with a spot on his liver as well. He had opted to not go through chemotherapy treatments. However, we heard from the VA oncologist yesterday who called to talk to him a little more about the treatments and told him without he has maybe 6-12 months. We have been secure in our trust in Jesus but this was the first time he was told the life expectancy.
I just added Leon to my daily prayer list. I am grateful to you and Leon for your friendship over the decades. I am praying for wisdom, healing, and peace for you both!
A heart of gratefulness has many other benefits in addition to helping anxiety. I believe this is one of the most important things we can teach our children, aside from the love of Jesus Christ. Gratefulness has always been emphasized heavily in my house and it’s becoming more important all the time as our country descends. You want to raise solid freedom-loving citizens? Teach them to be grateful. As I’ve told my children many times, there has never been a grateful communist.
Awesome message of Truth. Thank you, Wade. I'm going to share it with a friend going through a tough patch right now.