For decades I witnessed the activist mindset permiate the establishment intelligencia class of the colleges and universities of the world not just the United States. I flew the director of the Office of Polar Programs many times and will never forget his words to me in conversation one time where he spoke to how we needed to change the terms used so people "better understood" the "messaging" they were trying to "achieve" so that their approval of "funding" was gained.

While most of what we do scientifically both in the Arctic and Antarctic is valid and justifiably worthy of our nations resources to gain knowledge of there is much that is simply corrupt science. Intentionally promoting only certain papers over others is an aspect they have never addressed because they wanted unformity of thought which is anthetical to science at its base. The mere fact that people would get shouted down, funding canceled and or canceled by other process was quite evident and made it so that if you did not at least tokenly tow the line you and your work would never see the light of day funding wise. It has compromised even the legitimate science because now all those players who know this are suspect.

One of the most important things we just did was tell the CDC to end the garbage of the biologically innaccurate terms and papers being used to justify why men can get pregnant and how women can be men. It is a refreshingly honest approach that simply says "if its not the truth its gone" because be a person of faith or not do not pretend to tell me "Trust the science" when that science now requires a pardon from the outgoing president. Built on lies is built on lies and it would only be a matter of time until we would be like South Africa. Their medical institutions used to be top notch and wolrd-leading. The first heart transplant and such. Amazing advances, nearly all of them, have been swept away because their institutions started down this very same corrupt road. It is so bad now that their medical institutions credentials are no longer accepted in most of the worlds nations. Its a sad indictment of the people who insisted that the truth did not matter in science.

Global warming was seen for the myth that it is. So they changed the term to "Climate change," because scientific evidence is clear that it does change. QUICK....GRAB ON TO THAT, claim ALL our positions support that "truth" and we can use that "Truth" to inflict our lies for the pueposes of political gain in governmental power and control....our Marxist dream. THAT, my firends, is the end state goal. It was never about saving the oceans, the air nor about keeping the ice caps frozen, it was always about money, who controls what and who holds the levers of power.

Time for an end to it and DOGE efforts is just that beginning of that hopeful end.

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Superb comment, David. Thank you.

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