Wade Burleson at Istoria Ministries

I write and podcast regularly through this site, Wade Burleson at Istoria Ministries. There are various levels of subscription, including free. Those who subscribe for free will receive a couple of in-depth articles monthly.

Paid Subscribers

Paid subscribers to Wade Burleson at Istoria Ministries, $5.00 a month or $48.00 annually, will soon have access to Wade’s written archives, which now include 2,500 posts over 20 years on every subject from finance to family, eschatology to chronology, science to archeology, but most importantly, theology and biblical studies. Paid subscribers will also receive new posts in their email and full access to Wade’s new podcast series, which will be uploaded at Wade Burleson at Istoria Ministries.

Founding Members ($10 a month or $120 annually or an amount of your choice over $48). This is for subscribers who wish to support Istoria Ministries at a greater level. All proceeds go to support the budget of Istoria. Also, you’ll be given the password to sermons and sermon outlines at IstoriaMinistriesArchive.com (if paywalled).

Regardless of Your Level of Support

Whether a free subscriber, paid supporter, or a Founding Member, thank you for reading, listening, and and supporting Wade Burleson at Istoria Ministries.

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Making His Story central to yours.


Making HIS STORY central to yours.