The CFNAI Shocking Surprise
The data released Dec 26, 2023, predicts high inflation for the USA
When a national economy begins to collapse, high inflation becomes a symptom.
My faithful readers know I am neither an investment counselor nor someone from whom you should ever take financial advice.
I am a big-picture, biblically-centered follower of Christ who tries to help people navigate an anti-Christ world.
“And I heard a voice from among the four living beings say, 'A loaf of wheat bread or three loaves of barley will cost a day’s pay.” Revelation 6:6
Inflation becomes prevalent when the LORD begins to bring down proud nations.
Some Help with Government Data
Tuesday, December 26, 2023, at 7:30 am (Central Time), the Federal Reserve Board of Chicago released the Chicago Fed National Activity Index (CFNAI).
Have you ever heard of the CFNAI? Of course not.
The CNFAI was created in 2000 and became the leading economic tool to “forwarn (U.S. citizens) of increasing inflation" (see highlighted sentence in red below from the Federal Reserve’s explanation of the CFNAI).
On December 26, 2023, the CNFAI index report of 85 leading economic indicators was +0.3 rather than the anticipated -0.3.
There’s no way you understand the CNFAI impact unless you have a degree in finance.
Every day, I follow economic reports that are released by the United States federal government on a site called Trading Economics (bookmark this site and use it).
The U.S. government’s official narrative is “inflation is under control.”
Today, the CNFAI index tells us that “inflation is not under control.”
What Inflation Means
Contrary to the belief that greedy businesses or corporations cause inflation, the source of inflation is the mentality that debt, including government debt, doesn’t have to be repaid.
Inflation in the United States is uncontrollable when too many “dollars” are in the world’s financial system because too many “U.S. Treasuries” are sold to pay for government deficit spending.
The U.S. government spends more each year than it takes in through taxes.
When foreign governments (like China, Russia, and other BRIC nations) cease buying U.S. treasuries, the Federal Reserve, the United States Treasury, and the U.S. government have no choice but to incentivize financial hedge funds to buy U.S. Treasuries.
Summary Explanation
I understand you don’t comprehend what I’m writing, so let me summarize using an analogy from your family’s personal debt in simple terms.
If you have debt “up to your eyeballs,” and you keep asking family and friends to “bail you out.” Eventually, no friend or family member will give you more money to pay the debt. That’s when you promise strangers (hedge funds) that you’ll give them big money to buy your debt.
As long as you can slyly and deceptively promise others that you will “pay them back” with even “MORE money” than they give you, strangers will continue to give you currency to pay your debts - until they realize your promises are a sham.
That’s the source of INFLATION.
2024 and the United States Government
There’s no way I know what’s coming in 2024 except by telling you what is already on the 2024 calendar.
There’s a U.S. Presidential election in November 2024.
TWO TRILLION dollars in U.S. Treasury bonds must be sold in 2024 to fund “just the interest” on U.S. government debt.
The average U.S. citizen feels inflation at the grocery checkout counter.
Small and regional banks are in trouble because inflation (high interest on bonds) has put these banks “under-water” on their balance sheets.
Foreign governments are no longer buying U.S. Treasury bonds like they used to.
U.S. government officials are trying to tell you “inflation is under control” when, in reality, inflation seems to be heading “out of control.”
At some point, the entire debt financial system of the United States may collapse.
Today’s CFNAI report tells us that the FED has lost narrative control.
What happens when “a national emergency” is declared by the U.S. President?
I’ll tell you - in a future post.
We already know what might happen because of events in the United States in 1933.