Wade Burleson at Istoria
The Inquiring Mind
Radically New: The Series
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Radically New: The Series

40 podcasts on the New Covenant and you.

Radically New is a new podcast series from Wade Burleson at Istoria Ministries.

You can listen to all new podcast episodes in my Podcast Section on the home page.

Each of the forty episodes is 14 to 16 minutes long. I have enjoyed recording the first three. All forty episodes will be recorded and uploaded by September 1, 2023.

These Radically New podcasts are designed to help you think through how to live your Christian life full of individual joy and unconditional love for others.

I’ll show you the difference between God’s expectations of the nation of Israel in the Old Agreement (found in the Old Testament) and the glorious freedom of all God’s people from all nations of the world in the New Covenant.

Do you struggle with anger, bitterness, depression, or a desire to control the people around you? 

Do you find yourself sad - or maybe frantic - that the people who used to like you seem cold and distant? 

This podcast series can transform your understanding of what’s missing in your life and how to obtain it.

I’ll show you how all God’s promises - to meet your every need, guide you during your darkest times, love you continually while ‘singing over you with joy’ - are all “yes, and Amen.” In modern terminology, they are “sure and certain!.”

God’s good promises to you are sure and certain regardless of your personal obedience or religious performance when your trust is in the Person and work of Jesus and not yourself.

That is a radical principle if true.

It’s almost an irreligious notion because religion teaches you just the opposite.

Institutional religion must keep you performing religiously, and to do so, it constantly tells you that God is measuring your obedience, like Santa measures whether a kid has been “naughty or nice.”

The New Covenant, however, teaches:

God blesses you because of His Son’s obedience. You Kiss the Son, and God’s favor kisses you.

This series will lift your soul out of the doldrums and transform your thoughts about the Christian life and relationships with others.

The truth will set you free.

Subscribers to Istoria Ministries can listen to the new podcasts by clicking on the Podcast Tab at the top of the wadeburleson.substack.com home page. My substack can also be found at the address substack.com@istoriaministries

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