Words matter.
A powerful word that helps us navigate life is:
Providence is an English word that comes to us from Latin.
“Pro” means “before” in Latin.
“Videre” means “to see” in Latin.
Providence is the ability “to see before” an event happens and prepare accordingly.
GOD is the English abbreviation of “good.”
GOD is good because of His “providence.” The Creator sees “in advance” what His people need, and He “provides” for them.
Providence births provision.
Eighty years ago today, November 9, 1938, Nazi paramilitary forces and German civilians attacked Jewish businesses & homes across Germany.
Over 7000 Jewish businesses were destroyed.
Over 30,000 Jewish men were arrested and imprisoned in concentration camps.
Over 100 Jews were killed,
World War II commenced less than a year later.
On Saturday, October 7, 2023, HAMAS attacked Israel.
14 times more Jews died on Black Sabbath in 2023 than during Kristallnacht.
Nations around the world are turning against Israel in 2023, not just Germany.
The entire economy of Israel is being destroyed.
Could it be World War III commences within the year?
I pray not.
However, my faith is in the Prince of Peace. I understand that God is good, and His Providence abides over His people.
Be aware.
Be prepared.
Be trusting.
The God of the universe is a Providential God.
Trust Him.