“Where do wars and fights come from among you? Do they not come from your desires for pleasure that war in your members? You lust and don’t have.” James 4:1
Last night, Russian missiles reigned down on L’viv, Ukraine (Telegram video below).
L’viv is a Ukrainian city of 750,000, near the border of Poland, in far western Ukraine.
L’viv is in the heart of Europe. Its location is represented with the red dot below.
Notice how close L’viv, Ukraine, is to the countries of Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Austria, Hungary, Germany, Lithuania, Belarus, and even the United Kingdom.
Warsaw, the capital city of Poland, is 245 miles away from L’viv.
For perspective, these are some cities within 250 miles of Dallas, Texas.
If Dallas, Texas, were being bombed by Mexico, would the citizens of Oklahoma, Arkansas, and Louisiana feel safe?
European nations are jammed close together.
The nation of Poland, a member of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, known as NATO, scrambled fighter jets last night when L’viv was bombed.
I will explain below from history and the Scriptures how what happened last night in Warsaw, Poland, and L’viv, Ukraine illustrates how World Wars begin.
Nations form a new alliance and promise to protect each other from common enemies threatening to take away people's pleasures, comforts, and safety in the aligned nations.
Russia/Ukraine and the West
Russia’s official policy toward Ukraine is clear.
For Ukraine to join NATO is a “red line in the sand” that will potentially provoke World War or strategic nuclear war.
Russian President Vladimir Putin believes Ukraine is “mother Russia,” the place and location from whence modern Russia was formed.
He also believes the CIA, NATO, and the WEST desire Ukraine for its incredible wealth of raw materials and is attempting to steal Ukraine’s wealth from Russia.
Whether you, as an American, believe Putin or not, you must understand that Russians believe what Putin is saying - with all their hearts.
The Russian people feel the West is invading Russia, not that Russia is invading the West.
Putin’s popularity has soared in Russia since 2023, up to 85% approval rating.
Russia was once aligned with Ukraine. In 2014, the CIA, the American military, and the WEST sought to entice Ukraine into NATO and break its alliance with Russia.
The problem with Poland, a NATO nation, scrambling jets last night is that NATO is acting like Ukraine is already a member of NATO.
But it’s not - yet.
After the Soviet Union collapsed in 1989, Poland, a former Soviet bloc nation, joined NATO with the encouragement of the United States.
The United States and NATO allies also desired Ukraine, another former Soviet bloc nation, to join NATO in the early 2000s.
However, Russian President Vladimir Putin and Ukrainian President Victor Yanukovych, who served as Ukraine’s president from 2010 to 2014 after a long career in the Ukrainian government, forcibly said “No!” to any alliance with NATO.
Ukraine strengthened its alliance with Russia under President Yanukovych.
In 2014, The CIA helped organize a coup of President Yanukovych, which led to his removal and Russia’s justification for invading Crimea. Crimea is a land strategically located along the Black Sea, and its people speak Russian, not Ukrainian.
Ukrainian President Victor Yanukovych is now in exile in Russia, still wearing his title of “President of Ukraine.”
The New York Times reports what happened after the coup in Ukraine in 2014.
Within days of the February 2014 Euromaidan Revolution that culminated with the ouster of President Viktor Yanukovych and ushered in a firmly pro-Western government, the newly appointed head of the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU), Valentyn Nalyvaichenko, reportedly proposed a “three-way partnership” with the CIA and MI6, the UK’s foreign intelligence service. Ukrainian security officials gradually proved their value to the U.S. by feeding the CIA intelligence on Russia, including “secret documents about the Russian Navy,” leading to the establishment of CIA bases in Ukraine to coordinate activities against Russia and various training programs for Ukrainian commandos and other elite units.
President Biden opened last year’s NATO Summit by pledging support to Ukraine. Biden also froze Russian Central Bank assets (300 billion dollars) and promised to use the money to support Ukraine.
There are two international alliances with which you must become very familiar: NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) and BRICS+ (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa + (plus)
There are currently 32 countries in NATO and 164 countries in BRICS+.
Below is a world map of NATO countries.
Below is a world map of BRICS+ countries.
NATO vs. BRICS+ is EAST vs. WEST, except for a handful of South American countries who have joined BRICS+ and not NATO (note: Argentina may join NATO under its new President Javier Milieu).
Fifty-four countries will participate in the BRICS+ annual summit in Russia this October 22-24, 2024, with plans to ditch the American dollar.
Russia and China will introduce a new currency to replace the dollar in BRICS+ trade. They will also introduce a new digital transaction system for international trade to replace the SWIFT system used among NATO nations.
World Wars include economic, military, industrial, and currency wars.
The next World War seems to be East vs. West, NATO vs. BRICS+.
Americans have nobody to blame but ourselves if there is a war.
We’re more interested in circuses and bread than we are in geopolitics.
We’ve allowed bureaucrats, career politicians, and elected leaders to pay more attention to foreign aid and foreign borders than our borders, roads, and security.
We are an addicted people sexually and chemically, throwing away our futures with habitual gaming and indolent living.
We mock Christianity and the Bible in public forums, teaching our children to disdain American history and our Founding Fathers as “white privilege and imperialistic. We allow our children to be destroyed by handing over control of our public schools to the feds.
Most importantly, we as a nation have turned our backs on God.
But not all is lost.
God often sends spiritual revival to people when material comforts are destroyed.
As in Ohio State University and dozens of high schools across Ohio, the Spirit of God is moving across the United States to raise people from their sins and sloth.
When comforts end, Christianity expands.
Inflation, war, pandemics, and sudden death are the 4 Horsemen of God’s judgment.
But God only sends the 4 Horsemen to break and raise people He loves.
It’s about to get very bumpy for those without faith in the Sovereign and good God who send His Son to rescue sinners like us.
In Conclusion:
Wars come from national lust for money, material comforts, and selfish habits that degrade the human experience and build a wall between man and God but are protected by alliances designed to “get what nations want” (James 4:1).
Peace comes from the Prince of Peace, who captures the lusts “warring in our members” and turns those lusts into love for others.
Until the Prince of Peace reigns in the hearts of people in both NATO and BRICS+, economic, military, political, and industrial wars can be expected.
Watch the October 22-24, 2024, and the Brics+ meeting in Russia very closely.
As I’ve written in the past, many in the US government and NATO leadership may desire war with Russia and China, using NATO Treaties as an excuse.
The only way to get rid of 35 trillion in US government debt funded by Russia and China is to “default” on repayment because we are at war with them.
It’s only 250 miles from L’viv, Ukraine, to Warsaw, Poland.