Camden Roberts, a young nineteen-year-old scholar and resident of Enid, Oklahoma, won a scholarship by writing and winning nationwide essay contest on answering the question, "What Is Needed to Fix the Electoral College."
Camden is a member of Emmanuel Enid and currently works for the Red River Insitute of History as their Director of Operations while attending college. Camden first heard about the contest and potential scholarship while a senior in high school. His high school guidance counselor at Chisholm High School told him about it. According to Cambden:
"This essay contest stood out to me because I saw it in the election season of 2020, where all over the news I was seeing poll numbers and maps showing which candidate was doing better and where. I kept noticing a pattern of how a majority of blue states had a majority of red counties. I didn’t feel like this was right, that a few cities can decide for an entire state where the electoral votes would go, so I mulled over a plan o…