‘There’s unrighteous deception among those who are perishing’ - II Thess. 2:10.
What you’re about to read is both serious and humorous. Sadly, it’s not fiction.
On Monday night, January 1, 2024, at Miami’s Bayside Market Place, a heavily armed police presence descended on shoppers and New Year celebrators.
It seems that a fight had broken out, causing the police to make at least four arrests.
But throughout the first week of 2024, phrases "Miami Mall Aliens" and "Aliens in Miami" have been among the Top 10 searches on Twitter's Trending tab.
Why? Because Tic-Toc and Twitter users began making videos about police “fighting aliens at Miami’s mall.” Don’t believe me? Let me show you one.
Soon, videos like the above went viral throughout the United States.
The Truth About Miami
The truth of what occurred in Miami is worse to the U.S. than extra-terrestrial aliens.
The scary part of the fight in the video, taken at Miami’s Bayside Market Place on Monday, January 1, 2024, is that a roving black gang of young men is beating a white man.
That fight is what led to the heavy police presence in Miami. Police didn’t want the racial violence to expand.
It wasn’t extra-terrestrial aliens that brought the police, it was the terrestrial lack of character, discipline, and honor among your young people that brought the police.
Racial violence, wherever it exists, must be condemned.
If a roving gang of white men beat up a young black man, all those white men should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law and punished.
But what is happening in 2024 is a kind of “reverse racism” where everything “white” is condemned as white superiority.
Don’t fall for it.
Racism is racism. Violence is violence. If blacks are violently racist against whites, it should be called out as racism. If blacks are racially selecting white store owners and stealing everything in sight, it should be called out as racial violence. If blacks take to the streets and destroy everything in site, it should be called out as racist violence.
Forget Aliens from Space
Extra-terrestrials are a distraction from the truth.
The Apostle Paul gave the followers of Jesus at Thessalonica a warning:
‘There’s unrighteous deception among those who are perishing’ - II Thess. 2:10.
Americans may now think it's funny that the alien meme from Miami went viral on January 1, 2024.
But Miami Mall Alien and every other social media and mainstream media distraction in 2024 are full-blown deceptions designed to obfuscate the truth.
We must teach all our children, regardless of their skin color, the principles of Christianity, which include character, honor, and goodness toward others to make our nation great.
The threat to the U.S. is not coming from outer space. The threat already exists in our homes, schools, universities, churches, corporations, and the government. We must restore society’s respect for good character and the discipline of critical thinking.
We must speak the truth about the takedown of our country by reverse-racial violence, violence perpetrated and approved by woke universities and the United States government.
The MLK holiday when I had the gkids for overnight…. I asked them what the Holiday was about ? Did they even know who MLK was? They said yeah he was a good man but didn’t know much. So What asked them if there were issues with blacks and whites in their school?! I loved their responses…..they looked at me like what kind of a question is that and then proceeded to say..:.No!!! we don’t look at color they are our friends!!! I told them that was music to my ears and so glad for them. I proceeded to tell them a little more and while they were play outside had listen to a black lady who was on James Do son that morning. My ears perked as she was born the same year as me and raised much like I was with parents who taught us to respect elders and never said white elders but All elders! I didn’t know there was discrimination of any kind and neither did she! Until Martin Luther came to her church and yet she lived as she had been taught! We can’t control others but we can mirror what we were taught from our parents especially when it was straight out of the Word!
Now fast forward to the last 2 yrs where one of my gkids attends , the environment has totally changed and it’s not good! The tables have turned and the heads of the Admin have turned as well. Teachers have left from one campus …as many as 15 in one year! And more!
It saddens me for us to not heed the Word….to forgive to treat others the way you would want to be treated to put others before your self but most of all….”vengeance is mine faith the Lord” not mine not yours EVEN when me/you/they have been the victim! Shameful our government is the alien instead of upholding the law and treating everyone equal as it states in our Constitution! So we are responsible to God for our own actions and that is what He expects from each one of us!
Thank you and keep speaking Truth 🙌🙌
120+ squad cars roll up and apparently it took 1 cop car to roll up and say "stop" for the roving gang to run away? So 119 of the quad cars just pulled up to the wrong spot? With that much force in the area there has got to but a huge amount of bookings in the local jails for the same crimes. If not, how bad would that police force be to outnumber the roving gang in squad cars alone 5:1 and not have a mass arrest?